The war in Ukraine shows how challenging Job Function Email Database it is to act quickly when fake news spreads at lightning speed. For example, there are regularly misleading videos about Ukraine on TikTok, for example with old images that Job Function Email Database claim to be current. Deepfakes are also becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish from real ones. Platforms also have to work accurately. According to the DSA, it is also easier Job Function Email Database for you as a user to object if your message has been incorrectly removed. Stricter rules for online products Finally, the Digital Services Act will introduce rules to ensure.
The products sold online are safe and the Job Function Email Database meet the highest EU standards. The aim is to provide consumers with more information about the real sellers of their products purchased online. How do we enforce the DSA? It is Job Function Email Database clear that the Digital Services Act and its associates will be introduced soon. The European Union is taking important steps with this, but it is expected that these rules will eventually Job Function Email Database apply worldwide. The DSA has a lot of advantages for citizens, but a lot is about to change for online (social media) platforms and marketplaces, among other things. They will have to take measures to protect users.
Because law also includes enforcement. In Job Function Email Database any case, this will come in the form of a separate supervisor for each EU member state that will monitor compliance with the DSA. In addition, the European Commission keeps Job Function Email Database extra supervision on the internet giants. Anyone who violates the rules can expect a fine of up to 6 percent of worldwide annual turnover. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are Job Function Email Database given more time to adapt. In addition, the European Commission is closely monitoring the possible economic consequences of the new obligations. BeReal is a social media app that has been attracting a lot of attention lately.